Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 9

Well, I woke up this morning weighing exactly what I did the day before.  Party: 0.  Me: 1.  Yay!

I have to say, since adding the Fiber Boost to my diet, I have really noticed a difference in my digestion.  They say that if you added the Fiber Boost to your diet and didn't change anything else about your diet or lifestyle, you would lost nine pounds in a year just from the "chimney sweep effect".  Pretty cool :)

We had an amazing dinner tonight at the in-laws'.  Cod, salmon patties, quinoa, and roasted asparagus.  Eating healthy tastes amazing!  I may or may not have had a very large bite of cardamom bread with a buttercream glaze, but we won't talk about that part.

Tomorrow, I'd like to see what adding exercising to my day does for my weight loss.  Wish me luck!


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