Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 6

Day six started out on an amazing note when I stepped on the scale and saw that I had lost another 1.4 lbs, weighing in at 176.2!  Exciting stuff!

Today, I rediscovered my love for the sweet potato.  Sweet potatoes are so tasty and soooo good for you!  I decided to make some sweet potato chips to snack on, and they were so delicious, I wanted to share the recipe with you all.  It's pretty simple...

- One medium sweet potato
- Coconut oil
- Cajun seasoning
- Garlic salt
- Ground black pepper

I preheated the oven to 400°.  I used a mandolin to thinly slice the potatoes and then coated them with coconut oil before placing on the cookie sheet.  I then seasoned them and popped them on the oven.  Ten-fifteen minutes later (sorry...should have paid more attention to the time), they were crispy and delicious!  I would recommend them to anyone trying to eat healthy but wanting a yummy snack!

Anyway, I am pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to follow a healthy living plan with the Arbonne products.  They taste fantastic and are actually good for you, which is a definite must for me.

Hoping for more weight loss tomorrow morning!

~ Sarah

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