Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Point System

I'm a very competitive person.  Like...losing-my-crap-over-a-sand-volleyball-game competitive.  I like competing...but most of all, I like winning.  It has been ingrained in me ever since I watched my first Green Bay Packer game and realized how badly I wanted my team to win.

Recently, Bobby and Katie started a point system.  Basically, they get a few points for healthy choices that they make, and lose points for making unhealthy choices.  Once they reach a certain level of points, they get to reward themselves with something of their own choosing.

Naturally, I decided to join in.  Nothing makes healthy living more fun than making a game out of it AND getting a prize if I win!  I'm basically competing against myself.  I have decided to reward myself with a pedicure once I reach 500 points.  That way, I can look down at my increasingly unkempt toes and remind myself to keep on going.

For the past few weeks, I have been trying to cut dairy, gluten, and processed sugars out of my diet with no success, so I decided to deduct points every time I take a bite with one of those yummy yet evil ingredients in it.

How do I gain points?  Well, basically by doing things that are healthy for my life, such as drinking an Arbonne shake blended with fresh kale, or drinking 32 oz of water.  Also, since I tend to live on the messier side of life, I give myself points for things like cleaning the kitchen and vacuuming.

I'm really excited.  Let the competition against myself begin!


  1. You go girl!

    I'll give you a million points if you come clean my house :p

  2. That's 2,000 pedicures. I don't think I can afford that right now ;)
